Scheryl L. Hartley

Scheryl L. Hartley age 64 of Bloomington IL passed away at 2:50 PM Sunday, May 28, 2017 at the Bloomington Rehabilitation & Healthcare, Bloomington, IL. There will be no service or visitation. Cremation services provided by Beck Memorial Home, Bloomington, IL.



Scheryl was born March 15, 1953 in Bloomington, IL the daughter of George and Doris Scharfenberg Skinner.


Surviving are her 2 sons, Danny and Michael Smith, Bloomington, IL, 6 grandchildren, 1great grandchild, 2 sisters, Linda (George) Rehker, Bloomington, IL, Charlene (Richie) Schwendy, Heyworth IL also surviving are numerous nieces and nephews.


Scheryl had been a waitress for many years in Bloomington, IL


Please view the obituary and share your condolences and memories online at


Jon-n-Tina Smith

Sending our LOVE to the family: Those we LOVE don't go away, they walk beside us everyday... unseen, unheard, but always near... still LOVED, still missed and still VERY dear. Sheri- We WILL see you again someday ~ friend! Say HELLO/KISS/HUG your son SKINNER for us--AND all the rest we have lost. LOVE: Jon-n-Tina Smith-Bloomington,IL

Tracy John Cotner

Charlene and Richie, So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.